First Bank

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


If he is putting in endless hours to make a success story of the company he is charged with running the strain is certainly not showing on the social life of Chima Anyaso the Managing Director of Zeecom- the oil company believed to be owned by politician who just returned to his political roots Chief Orji Uzor Kalu.
This testament is credited to the peculiar manner the son in law of the Abia state political warlord- he is married to Neya, the former United States of America based daughter of Kalu- relishes in the night life fun.
He is said to favour the odd day of Monday- the first working day of the week for a business executive -as his habitual club days plus any other day that catches his fancy.
A clear case in point was Monday July 12 2010.
He was at popular place of enjoyment for the elite Rehab.
Anyaso was said to find amusement in the company of musician trying hard to live down a nude picture scandal Wande Coal – Wande Ojoshinpe- and another unidentified female friend for hours before he took his leave.
Un confirmed sources claimed to also sight him at other fun places later that particular week.
Anyaso is a common occurrence on the night club scene that is Victoria Island Lagos- and thick with the crowd that make things happen in that part of town.
His marriage to the daughter of the former presidential hopeful is said to have also enhanced his status among friends and associates.
Those close to him however claimed ‘ he is not an obnoxious clubber’
He doesn’t misbehave- or try to overly impress with things that are so out of the social diary of a gentleman claimed a source.
His excesses are on the average- just what the average night club goer will engage in chimed in another informant.
What has drawn special attention to the young man believed to be eyeing an elective post in Abia state in the future is listed as ‘that odd habit of going clubbing working days- especially Monday nights’
‘For the chief executive of a company operating on the corporate level, how he gets away with those hours he outs under his belt in the night- and gets his work done in the morning is really mystifying ‘ a source concluded.

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